Which portable laptop?

fiveub's Slave
1 Sep 2007
I have £300 to play with, in September i will be going to college to do a computing course and a laptop would come in handy. If you had around £300 to play with what would you buy?

Thanks, Ben.
It depends HOW small, an eee 901 was too small for me. After seeing it and using it in a computer store I could not imagine using it comfortably everyday. Tbh I would do what bigredshark said and save up to get a decent laptop, especially since you would be taking a computer course. Before you consider anything though go to a computer store and see the 'netbooks' for yourself.
I can't recommend the £270 Advent 4211 enough, especially as now the touchpad issue has been fixed. £20 will get you another 1gb ram (taking total to 2gb). It's a great little netbook - light, superb screen, fantastic keyboard, plenty of storage, all the connectivity you will need (wireless, bluetooth, lan, usb, sd card) and is quiet. It looks half decent as well, rather than a toy like the eeePC. My only complaint is the battery life, which is around 2hrs with the 3 cell that the Advent ships with. Once the 6 cell becomes widely available I reckon 4hrs will be more than enough for my use.
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