Which program for basic beginner Java programming?

Netbeans is more basic than eclipse which can be a blessing in itself especially for a beginner. Eclipse is powerful but can be an unstable pile of **** sometimes, has me shouting obscenities around the office most days.
To be honest, to learn whats happening properly, use Notepad++ and then compile and run small programs using the command line.

I think you will have a greater understanding of what is happening when you hit the 'run' button in an IDE after that.
For a beginner i wouldn't recommend an IDE, go for something like notepad++ or editplus, a text editor with syntax highlighting. The reason is an IDE points out issues before you compile. You will probably learn quicker by making mistakes and learning the hard way.
Recommended that new guys stay away from IDEs sounds frightfully backward. Learn what, exactly? How to pull hair out?

IDEs are there to abstract the developer away from the trivial problems that do nothing but wind people up. It is of no benefit to anyone to go through the pains of CLASSPATH etc when modern developers use tools, such as provided by Eclipse and other IDEs, to make these stages autonomous and irrelevant.
I highly recommend Eclipse (even though it seems to be getting slated in this thread :eek:).

Back in the day when I was learning Java, I just followed Sun's Java tutorial and built on that. It's fairly basic but does cover a wide range of functionality offered by the Java programming language.

Best of luck with your venture into Java.
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