Which projector? BenQ W1070+ or Optoma HD50

28 Jun 2004
Hi all,

I'm looking at buying my first projector and I think I've narrowed it down to these two:

Both are 1080p. Both have 3D, although I'm not anticipating using 3D much. The BenQ is a bit cheaper. Reviews mention that both are a little loud, so I'm a bit concerned about this. Throw distance will be just over 4m. Desired image size would be around 100-120".

Please help me decide which projector to buy. Alternative suggestions welcome, but I don't want to go much over £1000.

Thanks for you help :)
The BenQ. But not that one. It's predecessor (W1070) can be had for under 500 notes. Its not as bright & there's 'wireless full HD' Good luck if you can get that to work. :p
Nope. Got a 10 year old Sanyo Z3. Reports of it on the internet are fairly noisy, I would imagine that would depend on what setting its on. I use mine on eco setting in a dark room when it gets used, which is hardly any these days. I think I used it 4-5 times last year, so I can't justify buying new. I dont use my HC much since the next door neighbours had a baby. :(
1070 versus the previous model to the HD50 (the Optoma HD30) have been no contest. Despite both being 1080p and each fed with Blu-ray, the HD30 simply resolved more detail thanks to better lenses and optics, and a better DLP chip driver.

The advantage of the Benq has always been price. It's cheap: That always has a massive gravimetric attraction, so of course the 1070 got a lot of attention. Let's face it too; if you never thought you could afford a projector and suddenly something comes out at 2/3rds or even half the price of the competitors are you really going to look a gift horse in the mouth?

The Optoma HD30 and HD50 are still budget projectors too, but they have higher aspirations. I wouldn't class either as particularly noisy unless you're sat right by the side of either or running them in High Power mode with the Auto Black Level circuit engaged. What I have noticed though is that both models do get quieter once I have professionally calibrated them. I can't say if other calibrators share the same experience.

If you can afford to buy the HD50 (or find a very low hours HD30) then you'll be getting an extremely good budget projector for not much money.
I've got the benq w1070 non + model just over 2 years ago and I think it's pretty noisy
been meaning to build a hushbox for it but have never got round to it
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