Which Proxy Server?

26 Aug 2003
Leafy Cheshire
Hi guys, quick one on proxies?

ISA (or forefront) is totally overkill for our needs, we just need a simple active directory integrated proxy server, which we can create site blocklists and whitelists for, and to log internet access.

It would be advantageous (although not wholly necessary) for the server to have the ability to tightly restrict access during working hours, but to de-restrict during lunch.

Any ideas?
Sounds like ISA is exactly what you need.....

Yes and no. ISA does exactly what we need, but it also does a whole lot more which we don't need nor care about (leading edge stuff and exchange integration mainly).

It would also help if "ISA Server denied the uniform resource locator" didn't seem to keep happening for no good sodding reason.

ISA has always been a picky beast, and has never been plain nor simple (or even logical) in setup.

Why oh why they had to replace MS Proxy Server with ISA I have no idea :(
No real budget as such, I'll just be lumping it in with the £75K+ spend that the IT department is already going ahead with. So as long as it isn't over a few grand, then it'll be fine.
It's around 200-250 users, so not massive by any stretch, but certainly not SOHO size. As I say, there isn't really a budget, the whole IT infrastructure is getting an upgrade, and as such it is just being lumped in with the costings for everthing else (current sat at around £75-80,000, and have up to around £100,000 to spend, so unless it's going to cost £20,000, there isn't a problem).
Does anyone know of a mirror for the squidproxy VMware appliance?

Their site is godawful, and 40KB/s that keeps dropping out is pathetic. Doesn't exactly fill me with confidence for their product.
If you could host a rar'd or zipped version of "squid3-s006.vmdk" that'd be ace.

Typically, after waiting since the last ice-age for the appliance to download, that one file was corrupt.

Am I missing something here?

I'm in VMWare Infrastructure Manager, and I'm trying to import a Virtual Appliance, but I can't import SquidProxy, as it neither appears on the Virtual Marketplace, or is in the format of *.ovf

So... wtf?
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