Which PSU should i buy ?

26 May 2005
I need a new psu but i dont wanna break the bank.Any idea's what psu i should pick, i like hiper. :) I have an BFG 7800GTX, Asus A8N32-SLI Deluxe, Opteron 165 clocked to 2200 mhz, Sata 2 HD. Thankyou for your help and advice.
Have a Hyper 425W running an opty 165 at 2.7Ghz an x1800xt two sata drives two opticals and 2 gig memory no probs.
Have also had it running using a Hyper 350W.

Some people seem to have issues with Hypers but not me. Will depend on budget but look at Hyper Seasonic Tagan Sparkle etc.
hp7909 said:
You can't go wrong with (in no particular order) Tagan, Seasonic, FSP Sparkle & or Enermax. Invest in a decent PSU now & won't have to worry about changing/upgrading for a couple of years. Recommend* :D

* because, maybe might want to go SLI? Besides, that PSU should last you a couple of years :)


Seasonic may be find for most, but I wouldn't recommend it with an A8N32 - I got one yesterday, and the machine acts as if its shorting on something even when run outside of the case. My new Tagan works a treat though (see here for some stuff about Seasonics and Asus A8- series motherboards).
williamw11 said:
Have a Hyper 425W running an opty 165 at 2.7Ghz an x1800xt two sata drives two opticals and 2 gig memory no probs.
Have also had it running using a Hyper 350W.

Some people seem to have issues with Hypers but not me. Will depend on budget but look at Hyper Seasonic Tagan Sparkle etc.

YEh thats me ... lol . a new one and its fine now, they come with 3 years warranty
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