Which Rack for Ortlieb roller?

12 Sep 2006
Hi all. Going to the darkside and investigating panniers for my commute. Like the look of the Ortlieb rollers as need to ensure safe and dry transfer of paperwork to and from work.

I see the Ortliebs have a cool attachment mechanism at the top, and also an adjustable 'hook' at the bottom of the pannier to stop flappy panniers. What I want to know is does anyone have recommendations for a compatible rack that will have bars for the hook, and also be the correct diameter for the top connections?

I'm on 700C non disk brake, and wondered about the Topeak Super Tourist DX or Tortec Tour rack.

Also bonus question: what is a 'sprung' rack good for??


I use Ortlieb Classic back roller panniers on a Tortec Ultralite rack. The bags are expensive but they seem pretty solid after 6 months use and have kept everything I've put in them dry. The rack costs £20 or so. Weight limit is 25Kg which should be plenty. The tubes are quite narrow, but the pannier bags come with inserts for the catches which get them to fit right. The hook fits to the upright on the rack and keeps it in position.

Make sure to position things as far forward as possible, to keep as much weight forward of the rear axle, otherwise handling will go to pieces.
Nice one, thanks. Good to here the Ortliebs have an adapter to fit a multitude of panniers.

The Tortec was on my list so I'll give em a shot. Cheers fella.
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