Which Rainbow Six to buy?

18 Oct 2002
I got the original(?) back in 1998 + the addon pack Eagle watch.
Liked it, but it was quite basic (obviously). Never got any others after that, but I hear they're still good? Which is the best one to get?
Ok I got Raven Shield.
Trying to do one mission where you can't kill anyone, and no one can see you. In a penthouse or something.
Really tricky. I'm even using the pre-built plan, and i get to a staircase and it says hold alpha blah blah. But the trouble is I don't know what I'm holding for. Obviously I'm waiting for a time when no one can see me, but even using the heatbeat sensor I still don't really know. how far away these beats are. Usually someone sees me from behind at some point.
Did anyone else find this very frustrating?

The other missions are ok, you can flash 'em. Or let your other team members take the tangos out!
Thanks for the tips! :)

I did once manage to get out into the garden and through a load of plants, and as I was going towards the wall it said I'd been spotted, but I coulnd't even see anyone! I guess I'll have to keep trying :o

Only time I've wished there was save games...

I tried using the peek left/right keys, thinking i'd be able to check to see if a tango was coming or not. And the guy sees me straight away!
I even tried peeking enough so that I can't see the end of the hallway and waiting for him to come into my view - but the second i see his arm, he's already seen me.

Seems like a pointless function to me?
God I'm on a garage one now, so damn hard. The planned weaps are some crappy rifle and shotguns. Seem to be doing better using mp5's.
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