Which RAM for MSI Mortar Max

11 Nov 2009
Soor guys new meds have meant concentration is shot so finding it difficult to browse compatibility list.
Looking for 32gb @ 4x 8gb of RAM for MSI B450 Mortar Max mobo.
If it has RGB even better.

Any help really appreciated.
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Bought KLEVV CRAS X RGB 16GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4 3200Mhz and all good as far as my limited knowledge goes.
Latency timings are given as 16-16-16-38 yet CPU-Z shows this which to be honest is pretty meaningless.
Oh the BIOS is showing 16-18-18-38?

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Could not see a XMP setting to set to enabled but U think the A-XMP is the same thing?
Found A-XMP which is set to 1.
Found SOC but thats greyed out
No idea where RAM voltage is.
Latest CPU - Z
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yes that's the same things.
no need to mess with the other setting if it working..

your running at the rated on the box speed(3200mhz) and infinity fabric is still set to 1:1 with the ram speed.
i would run a few tests to test stability, but you look good.

there is a memtest program thats a solid fast test but i cant remember the name some kind sole will pop up with the name, unless you already use a program?
Much appreciate all your help.
Have run memtest and all is good.
Thanks again.
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