Which Ram for Ryzen 5 3600

21 Sep 2006
Hi All,

I am hoping someone can help me. Currently speccing up a new build. Settled on a Ryzen 5 3600(but this could change) and a Asus ROG X570 motherboard(this won't change) Question is what speed ram should i get? 3200mhz or 3600mhz? So much choice. Many thanks in advance.

The general consensus is that you want a minimum of 16GB 3200MHz for a Ryzen cpu. If budget allows aim for 32GB 3600MHz with CL. RGB is optional. Whats the budget?
2x8GB of 3200 is fine and it's not expensive, £80 max. Don't bother with RGB. Cas 16 is fine.

If you want to spend £20 extra for 3600 memory then go for it, but don't go higher than £100.

Also AMD boards are not guarantied to work 1:1 1800/3600, most will but some will require tweaking to be stable. Mine didn't until quite a few bios updates later from Asus (over 6 months), 1600/3200 is pretty much going to work on any half decent mobo with no tweaking involved.
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