Which screen recording software?

3 Sep 2012
P town
So planning on recording some gameplay, what shall I go for:


Suggestions welcome

I remember using fraps back in the day, the files used to be massive i,e gigabytes. I guess this is probably still the same if the files are uncompressed, any software that will record and then compress/encode the files?
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MSI Afterburner seems an interesting option, didn't know you could record with it.

I think I'll give all 3, (Fraps, OBS & MSI AB) a try and see which I can get best results with.

Sony Vegas is a great, easy to use editing program so will need to get that installed again. I think it will be important to get the rendering settings right in Vegas, unless the recording software can output a ready to upload file.

Edit: Just tried recording with Fraps, forgot about the watermark in the free version. That's put me off from using it, I'll try MSI AB and OBS now assuming they have no watermark in the video.

Thought it would be easier to use Movie Maker for now, so downloaded that and then rendered the recorded clips in mp4 @ 8Mbps


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