Which should i purchase... AoE3 or CnCG:Dlx

10 Jun 2005
The choice is Age of Empires 3 or Command and Conquer Generals Deluxe (ie with Zero Hour).

I want a new rts game to play and i have neither of these. system specs shouldnt be a problem, i only really want it for single player, im much too slow for multi ;P

EDIT: oh and price is the same for each, or close to it, so that shouldnt be an issue.
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Personally I'd get AOE3 because it looks gorgeous and C&C generals isn't worth it without the multiplayer (which I think is pretty much dead as far as I can tell, well the scud bug killed it for me anyway. :rolleyes: )/
AoE III is ok, but the previous one AoE II is a lot better. Nice graphics though.

Even though you didn't mention it, Dawn of War is a great RTS game
If you are willing to shell out a bit more, you buy the entire C&C - The First Decade collection instead of just Generals & Zero Hour. I think the difference is a fiver at a glance.
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