Thanks for all the replies. Would this speaker cable be any good for the surrounds. As I have cut the last speaker cable a bit short.
£2/m isn't a huge amount to spend in speaker cable, but I'm a big believer in getting the basics right before listening to the exotic promises of the marketing men. In this case, getting the basics right means getting the most power from your amp to your speakers without wasting it as power loss in cables. The simple fact is that thinner cables lose more power than thicker ones.
You may not think that power losses are a big thing to worry about. My view is that its far cheaper to buy a slightly thicker cable and stop the power being lost than it is to buy a bigger amplifier to make up the difference.
The QED cable is 0.75mm cross sectional area (CSA). On a 15m run, a basic copper cable of that size will throw away roughly 15% of the power sent to the speaker. Upping the cable CSA to 1.5mm sees the cable losses slashed by half to roughly 8%.
The DCKs speaker cable @ 2.5mm as listed by
@Flibster sees the losses drop to under 5%.
Cable power losses due to capacitance are a real thing. But how much can be put down to the difference between PVC and PE is dependent on frequency. If QED believe they can use PE to overcome the power lost when dropping the cable diameter by 50% then lets see the science and the numbers that backs that up.
IMO, get the basics right first - that means a decent thickness cable - then tinker with more exotic insulation materials.
DCKs also makes a flat 1.5mm cable which comes in at under £20 for 15. The flat profile might help you when it comes to concealing the cable during installation.
Thanks for all the replies. Would this speaker cable be any good for the surrounds. As I have cut the last speaker cable a bit short.
And the banana plugs
You do realise they're EXACTLY THE SAME ONES I liked to in post #2? Are you even paying attention or am I wasting my time??
Yes. Any 4mm banana plugs will do just fine.