Which TFT?

11 Apr 2003
Well, I have had my trusty 17" Samtron CRT Monitor for a good 4/5 Years now, and it is still brilliant, good image, nice colors.... etc But i also have a laptop with a 15" TFT and when you go from a TFT with 1600x1400 Resolution, to a CRT with 1024x768.... well things are noticably smaller and im lacking in desktop space.... and finding webpages squashed, So i have decided its about time i got with the times and got myself a TFT! But I have no idea whats hawt and whats not so to speak.

I will be using it for browsing the web, heavy gaming and watching movies, as well as graphics design.

I would like it to be a good resoultion so webpages are not squashed, and so that i have a good amount of dekstop space, and i would like it to be 19" if posible, my budget is around £200 tho im willing to stretch my budget a little (Hooray for new jobs).

I will be using it a lot..... at least 8 hours a day (Yes i have a sad life.... but meh) so i dont want it to give me a headach...... my CRT does not no matter how long i stare at the screen :).

So please spec me that monitor :), oh and a quick 2 Question, i heard that TFT's are good on the eye.... I.E they dont cause any damage is this true? Also no i was going to ask another but i forgot it in the space of writing this post.... will edit later if it comes to me :P

Thanks in advance, Jcb33 - Mr Gunn ;)
Is 1280*1024 too low a resolution for you? Also have you thought about whether you'd like widescreen or regular aspect ratio?

Yes, they should be better on your eyes btw.
Errr im not sure if that will give me a decent amount of space and not squash things... and im not sure what difference widescreen makes but most of the games i play dont support it so.....
heh finaly remembered my second question, in comparason to a CRT... are TFTs bigger? My laptop is 15" but seems about the same size as my 17" CRT but i dont know it that is the case for normal TFT monitors.... if so that means that a 19" monitor is likea 21/22" CRT?
With CRTs roughly an inch of the tube is behind the plastic surround and not useable/visible. So a 19" CRT is 18" visible. So a 17" TFT is only an inch smaller than a 19" CRT. And a 15" TFT is only an inch smaller than a 17" CRT.

Also TFTs are a different aspect ratio. CRTs are 4:3, whereas TFTs are 5:4 (normal non-widescreen ones), so they're a bit closer to square in shape, which also makes them seem a bit bigger because they're slightly taller.

As for which size would be best for you, it's all down to resolution. All 19" 5:4 ratio screens are 1280*1024. If you need more pixels, you'll have to go with 20" 5:4 ratio which do 1600*1200. Trouble is none of them fit your budget.

If you go widescreen, the 19" 16:10 ratio is 1440 x 900 pixels, and 20" 16:10 ratio is 1680 x 1050. Of course a lot of old games don't support widescreen.

Your budget limits you to 19" (both 5:4 and 16:10 options). It also limits you to TN Film screens. To be honest there's only a handful of screens that fall under £200 - Acer AL1916W 19" widescreen, NEC Accusync 92VM, Neovo F-419 and Samsung SM-913N.
It's just the particular type of LCD panel. The types are TN Film, PVA, MVA and IPS. TN are the cheapest to produce, the quickest, but have poor viewing angles, aren't 24-bit and don't do the deepest black depth. MVA, PVA and IPS are generally a little slower but are 24-bit and have better viewing angles and better black depth. But they cost more. These are just generalizations and don't necessarily all apply to every monitor.

It's all covered in Baddass's sticky posts.
Mate I really would consider a widescreen if you want more deskspace at a higher res - and most games can be hacked to support widescreen.

But a 19" with 1280X1024 wont look squashed imo.
Well, i just bought the Acer 19'' Widescreen TFT and it is awesome!! Superb Picture. Got it for a cool price too.
When you say lacking in black depth.... does that meen that dark games... F.E.A.R, Doom 3, and movies etc will look bad?
Ok had a look just and there is plenty of choice in my price range..... but i dunno which ones are good, which ones are bad, or which one to get.... any help i would love :)

Acer AL1917AS 19" LCD Monitor £207.92

BenQ FP91G+ 19" LCD Monitor £187.94

Hyundai ImageQuest N91S 19" LCD £196.17

NEC Accusync 92VM 19" LCD £193.82

Neovo F-419 19" LCD Monitor £182.07

Samsung SM-913N 19" LCD Monitor £193.82

Viewsonic VE910 19" LCD Monitor £202.04
the Samsung 913N and Neovo F419 are the two which regularly come up in these kind of questions. Both excellent screens, I think the Samsung 913N would be a very good choice and is an brilliant screen especially considering the price :)
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