Which to buy? PES5 or Fifa 06?

13 May 2004
Wales, Wrexham
Fifa is the newer game compared to PES5, but which is better, and which has the best online community? I've never played a football game online before so i have no idea's which is best, played fifa's allt he time on the PS2 and enjoyed them, never tried a PES

Also, will a wired X360 controller be good enough for it? or is the PS2 one better?

Im going into town to buy one of these in the next 20-30 minutes, so any input would be a godsend :P
PES 5 definately, buy FIFA and you will regret it. Online is great, sometimes get a little lag but just pick English people with green connections. I use a PS2 controller, played with a PS controller since the PS1 pro evo's so personally would never use anything else.


The default kits in PES are pretty lame, but get something called KitServer and you can have all real kits that work online. Then you are sorted, FIFA obviously has much better liscencing, but the gameplay is nothing compared to PES

Having played both it's the only option unless you're really desperate for all the official kits/team badges/names (easily edited)

Only problem with online on PES is that people can play 2 human players vs 1...very annoying, though very satisfying when you beat them :D
I bought PES, guessing i need updates though as i get heaps of errors when trying to connect to online, and while playing random lines appear through the screen O_o
PES5!!! I never knew what all the fuss was about but now I don't think I could ever go back!!! Give it a chance too!
Even PES1 is better than FIFA06 :p

Ok, maybe that's exaggerating it a bit but you get what I mean.

There are also patches and stuff that you can download to customise or update the databases with PES on the PC.
Fifa aint that bad though in some aspects:

Greater graphics (obviously aided by lots of AA+AF)
Easier to pick up and play (my opinion obviously)
Easier to navigate in-game (menu's, tournaments etc)
Full kits etc out of the box
Lots of realistic balls and stadiums and players
Much more commentary (less repetitive)

Bad points:

Not exactly realistic in terms of real world football physics (shot speed etc)
Lack of online play.
pes5 is better but its full of its own bugs and problems and can be a really annoying game to play.
best to try the demos

i was disappointed with PES5 still a good game but IMO PES3 & 4 are better

also FIFA 06 isn't as bad as everyone makes out

go to www.3dgamers.com download and see for yourself
OzZie said:
Fifa aint that bad though in some aspects:

Greater graphics (obviously aided by lots of AA+AF)
Easier to pick up and play (my opinion obviously)
Easier to navigate in-game (menu's, tournaments etc)
Full kits etc out of the box
Lots of realistic balls and stadiums and players
Much more commentary (less repetitive)

Those things are all pretty useless if the gameplay is cripe.. which in Fifa, it is. ;)

And the graphics in FIFA being good or nice is a total myth, the graphics are horrid. The players look like deformed ogres.
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