WHich to choose, New MB or MBP.....

18 Oct 2002
Andover, Hampshire
Right, im a teacher and i do design work and photography. I have the oppertunity to get wither of these laptops. Will be using Adobe software and running Fusion for the windows option as well.

The choice i have is this..

MacBook - 13.3" screen, really good portablilty when out on location teaching Photography but the smaller sdcreen will be a bit of a pain when in a classroom and working on design based work and editing photos. Also the lower gfx performance compared to the MBP...

MacBook Pro - larger screen, less portable than the MB, better gfx performance, lots better in fact.

What would be the best option? The MBP is not much heavier at all so I dont think that will be a problem.

I just cant make up my mind....... Please help.
Then my final point, and i am aware that this might not be the best place to ask the question, but what im looking for is reasons TO choose the Mac.

Could i not get a same spec Windows based machine for less cash - physical dims are important too?
MacBook Pro for Photography (resolution).

Reasons to choose a Mac, have a search through the forum. The question has been asked at least ten million times.
MBP all the way. Well worth the extra for. I'm hoping a Quad Core is coming in the new year. Might treat myself to an upgrade!
Im using an older 17" Highres MBP 2.4ghz C2Duo and for photo work it is very pleasant to use, obviously not as nippy as my Macpros, but, it is more than fast enough. The New Macbooks are however very fast little beasts, maybe your best bet would be to get into an Apple store and have a play at some photo editting on their machines... see if you can notice the differance between them, and if the MB screen is of high enough res to be able to comfortably work on.
Could i not get a same spec Windows based machine for less cash - physical dims are important too?

Yes, but life is likely to be more pleasant with a Mac. You will be using it all the time, so why not get something that is a pleasure to use? I would say get one if your budget will stretch to it. It seems no-one who has ever bought a Mac regretted it. The same cannot be said of PC laptops.

Def go MBP as a 13.3" screen is too small in my opinion.

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