Hi all
I currently have a Geforce 9800 gx2 but im unsure which gfx to upgrade to atm my rig looks like this
Processor: Intel Core Quad cpu @ 2.40ghz 3.01 ghz
Memory: 4.00 GB
System Type: 64 bit Operating system
Sound Card: Realtech HiDefinition
Gfx Card: Nvidia Geforce 9800 Gx2
I currently have a Geforce 9800 gx2 but im unsure which gfx to upgrade to atm my rig looks like this
Processor: Intel Core Quad cpu @ 2.40ghz 3.01 ghz
Memory: 4.00 GB
System Type: 64 bit Operating system
Sound Card: Realtech HiDefinition
Gfx Card: Nvidia Geforce 9800 Gx2