Which value determines overall reading?

26 Feb 2004
Hampshire, England.
Hi guys,

I'm trying to set a fan speed/temp curve in my bios but which value is it that actually triggers the adjustment?


Sys is okay but what about the cpu reading/s?

Assuming it's the Tomahawk board in your signature, you should see an option to pick which sensor the curve uses. By default it's on CPU for all headers.
Thanks guys! @Orcvader, yep, I on a Tomahawk.

So, looking at the pic I've posted - those values. Will it be the "CPUTIN" temp that the bios reacts too? - and not the individual core temps.
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I've always set mine to CPU but added a delay to avoid the fans ramping up and down on spikes.
I set mine in a similar fashion but instead of a delay i use Argus monitor and set the maximum % per second so it can't ramp up and down quickly. I've set it to 3% per second so its more of a gradual climb and a slow drop allowing the fans to work for longer before going back to idle.
Hmm, I swear my 3600 is causing me bother because of its erratic individual core temps... but the hardware monitor is only going off of the overall "cpu" temps, right? Weird.
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