Which version of Thermal Grizzly to use? Aeronaut, Kryonaut, Hydronaut

22 Jul 2015
I was all set to order thermal grizzly paste today when I noticed that it comes in three variants; namely Aeronaut, Kryonaut and Hydronaut.

What's the difference? I need it for CPU and GPU waterblocks so what will be best for my application? And yes I will be overclocking.
I have problems getting an even spread thin with this stuff. as you spread it further it seems to come of the cpu and back onto the applicator. Maybe there is a good way of warming it up to help. Alternatively, I was thinking of trying a pea sized amount but split into three smaller dobs in a circle, prob end up looking like a V, but the idea they will spread to cover the entire square CPU, not just a large circle with edges not covered as would be with one pea sized dob in the middle.

Pea method always works for me. I ordered Kryonaut and used peas size method for gpus and cpu. Yet to test the temperatures as I am leak testing the loop. :)
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