Which way round should i install my PSU?

5 Jan 2005
South East, UK
Hi - this may end up being the first of many questions. Apologies in advance.

Should i install the PSU in my case (coolermaster storm sniper) with the fan up or down? The case does have vents under the psu but there is no dust filter. Also all of the photo's i have seen on the web show the fan on the psu pointing up.

Could someone point me in the right direction?

In favour of fan up are a reduction of the dust being sucked in to the psu and better looks. In favour of fan down are better cooling for psu (but only marginally better) and better airflow in the case.

Hmm ok. Thanks for that info guys. I'll have a think about it. If the cables are long enough i can indeed try both ways.
so there is no issue with the fact that the psu will be sucking in air about 2 inches above my carpet with no dust filter in place?
ok i installed it with the fan down. This had the added advantage that i did not have to get an extension for the 8 pin motherboard cable as with the fan down the cables are closer to the mobo and just about reach. Just have to keep an eye on dust in the psu now - not quite sure how to do that.
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