Which way to go....

22 Jan 2006
Ok, i have two options for how I build my new pc:


X2 3800 with a X1800XT graphics card


3700SD with a X1900XT graphics card.

The machine will be for games, and i want to future proof it as much as i can in terms of it lasting longer. I dont intend to overclock from the start, but may at a later date.

Thanks again people, all help appreciated.
Well, looking at your sig, I assume your favouring the X2 3800?

Personally, I'd take the single core CPU and the X1900XT and overclock this. If I wanted to go dual-core, I'd just upgrade the processor in 5-6 months time when prices have fallen.
Id go Dual core 3800+ and a X1800XT ;)

I know the X1900XT is a better card than the X1800XT but the latter aint a slow card by any means. So being more 'future proof' (if anyone knows actually what that means :D) Id go with the 3800+ combo.
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