Which Windows Netbook?

30 Dec 2003

Quick question: Which Windows netbook for ~£300 (Or less)? My sister wants one for her birthday. I currently advise the NC10 (The fact she can get it in pink is a bonus) but I thought I'd be best checking with some knowledgable folk... So what would you go for?

Must have Windows OS.


PS - I'm aware that there are other threads but I was hoping for a quick thread with a braindstorm of ideas for £300 Windows machines... Ideally hoping to order soon! :)
Samsung NC10 hands down.

There's a nice long thread about it too, and I have one myself :) Fantastic little thing.
I thought as much - If I don't hear any other suggestions here within a day or two I'll inform my parents that's the model they'll be best off buying her.

I take it they only do one model of it? That'd help them when ordering it :p Cannot get the wrong thing then.

I don't s'pose anybody knows why it is so hard to get hold of the pink model, and if there is a definite date for it?

I have a nice little black NC10 but what about the the advent 4211c as it goes for £270 and its basically the same spec but not as pretty. The only bonus of the advent is that you can shove a mobile phone sim in it. BTW the advent is an msi wind netbook rebadged.
It would be my parents purchasing the netbook so as long as it is around the £300 mark then I'm not too fussed which model number I pass on to them.

Taking price out of the question, would you go for the NC10 or the 4211c? Any reasons? I've never heard of the 4211c but I wouldn't want to rule it out if it's better! :)

The Acer One can be had for £150 in a local supermarket if you are quick (comes with linux but you can put windows on it yourself). Worth having a look.
The Acer One can be had for £150 in a local supermarket if you are quick (comes with linux but you can put windows on it yourself). Worth having a look.


I've read as much, but I've found it to be impossible so far. The hard drive isn't having any of it.
Have you had any joy locating a NC10 in Pink. I've been trying to source one for my GF whose birthday it was last Tues. Think I may have to find another pink netbook/laptop as I dunno how much longer she'll last.
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