Which Would Be Best - Rear Speakers.

6 May 2006
Rowley Regis, West Midlands
Keeping with the Monitor Audio BX range that I am putting together (currently have floorstanders and centre), I am now about to take the plunge on the rear speakers, using as 5.1 not 7.1 and as such the rears will be mounted about a metre high, on the wall that my settee is pushed up against (so wall is approx. 300mm behind my head when seated) and about 1500mm each side of the centre seating position.

As you can see in my photo :

With this in mind I am torn between the BX2 (standard bookshelf style) or the BXFX range. I am thinking the BX2 may be a little large for my wall mounting and I am leaning towards the BXFX in all honesty, especially for anyone sitting in the outside seats :p

So I am looking for advice please on my dilemma, would the 6 1/2" mid bass driver in the BX2 make a notable difference over the 5 1/2" that is in the BXFX.

Quick update....the BXFX's arrived yesterday and they have a slightly larger footprint than I thought, although I had checked the sizes but not too bad (just appear bigger in the flesh). Anyway they are up and the only annoying thing for me is the fact that my BX floorstanders, and BX centre all have removable magnetic grilles, for some reason (probably cost) these surrounds have clip on grilles, which when removed leave unsightly holes visible and I do like them removed to be honest (must be the Mr. Grumpy in me coming out)

Next thing is, I have seen before a recommendation to a couple of test discs (setup etc) and I cannot remember the name of, or find them, anywhere...help please.

Thanks for that Lucid....shall have a look at them individually and see what appears suited to me.

Shall pop a piccie of how they look Bob when I get a moment. Not completely happy with the sound so far, dunno why exactly, there's just that many modes on the Yamaha Rx-v 675 that I just don't which I should be using for what. Generally I have it on Dolby PL II movie for TV and films, for music it is on 7ch stereo, with the extra speakers deselected in the settings (why there isn't a 5.1 is beyond me) but then there are extra buttons on remote for music and movies. So if I am using Dolby PL II movie mode, I can then scroll through things like spectacle (which I read is for film watching iirc), standard, sci fi, roleplaying game, drama etc.

Also having run the YPAO setup, I find that FLAT sounds the fullest, FRONT sounds like it suggests...and weirdly the NATURAL setting - well, sort of a flat sound with no depth :confused:

Have to get to grips with one of those discs and see where I end up :eek:
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