Which X-Fi

1 Dec 2005
Stoke on Trent
Not sure if i should get the X-fi elite pro. Just wondering if iots worth the extra outlay over the x-fi fatal1ty
Do you use mid-end/high end headphones/speakers? If your answer is yes, then I recommend the Elite Pro. Otherwise, it really depends if you need all the connectors.. I don't so my second choice would've been the Xtreme Music. The Elite Pro come with better DAC/Op-amp (a la EMU 1212), so it'll allow you to push better gear further. IMHO, the Fatal1ty is the one questionable in terms of value.
I got an Elite Pro mainly so I could start doing some recording with my guitar. I'm not sure you'd notice an increase in sound quality because of the better DACs unless you're using some proper hi-fi gear.

As for fatal1ty against the music, I'd say the main factor is whether you need the drive bay for volume controls and headphones. The X-Ram doesn't make a huge difference at the moment and isn't supported by many games. I suppose it might be used more in the future, so if you've got the money you might as well go for the fatal1ty.
Yeah the fatality looks cheap at the mo, and i do use the extra ports so its prob the way to go. Hopefully it will be better than the Audigy2 im using now.
Xtreme Music does me great - although I suppose it is a tad annoying having to reach round the back to un-plug speakers when I want to use the head phones.
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