Which X game to play?

7 Mar 2011
Oldham, Lancashire
So thanks to sales over the years I have X3, Reunion, TC and AP. And I have Rebirth.

If I am not all that interested in the story, and just want to build an empire and rule the known universe with a iron fist (well cheque book), which is best?

Not put any time into any of them yet.
I would assume Albion Prelude to be the best, but after having sunk way too much time in to X3 Reunion and Terran Conflict, I couldn't face starting again. Great games, but massive time sinks.

You really shouldn't have bought Rebirth though. That thing was a shameless cash grab by Egosoft and it ****** all over the goodwill that developer had built up over the years.
Bad times!

The game crashes for me about 10 mins-ish into the game. I did the flight tutorial, flew through a gate to kill some pirates and the whole game crashed to desktop. But left a constant buzzing in my headphones, had to reboot.

Will try again later (I'm in work now, til 12) in WinXP compatability mode.
I had rebirth for over a year now and discarded the series based on how crap it is, went and looked at AP after reading this and it looks amazing! such a gem to find. Thanks very much everyone!
Bad times!

The game crashes for me about 10 mins-ish into the game. I did the flight tutorial, flew through a gate to kill some pirates and the whole game crashed to desktop. But left a constant buzzing in my headphones, had to reboot.

Will try again later (I'm in work now, til 12) in WinXP compatability mode.

Hmm that's a little odd, only real issue I remember with them was codecs but don't think that caused crashes. Check the egosoft forums they are pretty helpful :) It's really worth sorting it. Does your event log show anything?

I had rebirth for over a year now and discarded the series based on how crap it is, went and looked at AP after reading this and it looks amazing! such a gem to find. Thanks very much everyone!

Yeah Rebirth really took a dump on the series, all the previous games are very good (most were buggy at release but sorted fairly quickly).
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