Whirring noise.

18 Dec 2021
Hi all. I'm brand new here so first of all I'm sorry if this isn't in the correct sub category.
I've had a tower built from OCUK which I'd ordered a year ago, and set up around 10 months ago. I've made no alterations bar adding one hard drive and having someone talk me through that, I've recently noticed that when I'm playing a game there is a really loud whirring noise coming from the tower itself, this is after I have gently wiped down and removed some dust from inside the tower. I'm not overly computer literate so I don't want to just start pulling at parts to check the noise but was wondering if there's anywhere I should start looking? Hope you all have a great Christmas
Easiest thing to try is check if any cables are touching the fans, or gently press and stop the fans one by one to see if ones failed, if so it's just a simple replacement, if not it gets a bit more in depth trying to work out where it's coming from, graphic card, hard drive, power supply etc
could be bearings in a fan failing, vibrations being amplified by your case or any number of things really.

The noise could be vibration from your hardrive m8.

I have that issue every time it spins up I get an annoying vrrooom vooom vrooom like vibration echoing from my side panel
SSD are the future or some form of rubber vibration dampening screws/enclosure for the drive. if it is that.

open your case, turn on your comp start a game, lightly put the palm of your hand on the HDD can you feel it? then put your hand very gently on the sides of your case etc and see if you feel the same vibrations

windows seems to love keeping my HDD spooled up regardless of what settings I put in power saving, like turn it off after 1 minute.

windows seems to just ignore them all together and nothing is on the drive that should be getting read by windows, I can disconnect it without windows telling me any errors.

it's basically a storage drive for games I don't want to uninstall
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