White Claw

18 Mar 2008
Has anyone seen this American Seltzer in the UK yet? I've been meaning to drink some, but going nowhere near importation for a few cans.
I'm thinking this probably tastes like club soda with a weak fruity taste (like those sugar free sparkling waters) and a weird alcohol undertone. Amiright? :confused:

Intrigued to try one mind. Pity summer's over.
Basically lightly flavoured fizzy water. Just stick a tiny bit of vodka in some of that and you’ll be pretty close.

My wife drinks it a lot but we have a national shortage now apparently, I haven’t been able to get my hands on any this week.
Just came back from NYC and had two white claws, I'm fully on board.

I also had a Mang-o-rita which while full of sugar and e numbers was delicious
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