White Macbook turning beige :(

12 Mar 2009
Hi, as in the title of this thread. The keys, the hinge where the screen folds up and down and the speakers are all turning from white to beige. Is there anything I can do to prevent this? I never use the machine with dirty fingers and I've taken good care of it. Is there some kind of cleaning product I can purchase that will restore the colour to it's original white-ness. Or does this happen with all white Macbooks? I was even looking at buying a set of Blackbook keys, that's how much the colour fading is starting to annoy me!:(

Any help would be appreciated :) Cheers.
I removed the keys and soaked them in a bowl of water with some mild cleaning product. Haven't tried T-cut though! that might be an idea... :)

I never thought I'd say these dodgy, dodgy words, but next time I'm going black :p
I have to say I haven't tried toothpaste, but I did remove a few keys and tried a small amount of T-Cut on them, just rubbed it in with a lint free cloth and they certainly have improved. No visible scratches as far as I can tell, that said though I'm still waiting for some cleansing wipes to come in the post so I probably won't be using T-Cut on any of the larger areas of the Macbook. :)
Ah yeah I think that's what I'm on about.. my palm rests have gone and I have cracking too. The jokers at Apple Meadowhall told me up to 5 days to fix it - 5 days to replace a top cover?! Once I can be bothered I'll be badgering that down. It ought to be a take it in and come back to pick it up same day kind of job.

I agree, I'm sure it isn't a very large job and I highly doubt they have a huge waiting list of people with cracked and discoloured palm rests! :p

On a similar topic I've noted that my Macbook is starting to feel a little less sturdy than it did several months ago. When the lid is closed the screen seems to wobble a little, as if there's a screw loose. Also when I pick the Macbook up you can hear the plastic pieces clicking, and it's not as if I'm even picking it up with a hugely strong grip! :(
By the way, I've tried using the toothpaste today that was mentioned further up the page. Surprisingly, it worked a charm! :) Although I did have a problem taking some of the keys out and not being able to get them back in again! But all is well now. Thanks everyone. :)
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