White man doing a Black thing?

15 Mar 2005
I am everywhere...
Last night i was listening to some old school cd when a track came up - It was Snow, Informer. Immediately my friend asked me to skipped to the next track which i did then UB40 was playing red red wine. Immediately he asked me to skip to the next track and guess what Vanilla Ice-Ice ice baby came up!

Ok at this stage my friend made a comment regarding how my cd is wack because im listening to white people trying to do a black thing! I tried to explain to him that i dont really care because i do honestly think those tracks are good tracks (Informer/Ice ice Baby/red red wine). He dosent seem to agree with me and goes on to the extent of almost dissing eminem because he is doing what he consider in his view a black thing.

Fast forward to twenty mins ago when i arrived at work, i asked another colleague at work (a black man from jamaica) and he insist that UB 40 is a load of rubbish and proceed to call them rasclart!! (lol). I told him they aint but he also went down the route of saying they are doing a black thing blah blah blah.

As part of my arguement with my colleague at work, i tried to explain to him that for example Snow's Informer was the fastest selling reggea track of all time but he just said the guy is the wrong colour and he dosent sound black :confused: I think i might see what he meant by that but i personally dont have a problem with any colour doing a black thing as long as it is a good tune so to speak.

This thing is kinda common amongst blacks - being sort of not welcoming other race especially white when it comes to music but i dont see the need for it. For example, in most rap battles ive withnessed between a black guy and a non-black opponent, the first line of attack by the black man is to call the non-black opponent Eminem! This i think is just not called for....

I dont know if it is the other way round i.e a black man punk band or rock etc, Let me know if it is.

Since Ocuk is predominantly caucausian (or non-blacks) I wanna hear what you guys think of artist who are doing things done mostly by black artist. e.g Eminem, Vanilla Ice, UB 40, Snow,... erm Goldie Lookin Chain?... etc. Since they are doing a black thing are they accepted by the white/non-black audience etc..

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Raist said:
FYI: rap originated from a white woman. re: Blondie (Deborah Harry) and the song "Rapture". First rap song.

Erm I wanna stay neutral in this debate but i think you should check your sources again. If rap originated in the 70s and she released a track in the 80s called rapture i dont see how she invented rap.
Gilly said:
Racism is everywhere I'm afraid dude.

I wouldn't say Eminem is trying to be black or trying to act black.

You put a white kid in the middle of a bunch of black kids and raise him there and see how it affects the way he acts, talks, etc. In fact, you could do that for anything at all.

I guess so.

You see exactly what you said was what Snow was implying in the track Informer and i dont think it went down well amongst some.
kitten_caboodle said:

Hendirix looks cool to me and Kravitz is good (love the tune - all i wanna do is get away....)

I wasnt trying to categorize as such, i was only using the same term my friend used - Black thing ... So as to put things into perspective.
QABoy said:
Elvis, Buddy Holly, Jerry lee Lewis, Clapton, the Beatles and a million others were all trying to be black.
Without blacks we'd have no decent music.

I beg your pardon? they was making music imo and wasnt trying to be black. Are you telling me you would say eminem, Vanilla ice, snow, Jin, Fat Joe...are all trying to be black?
wordy said:
Ok why would that be then? what sort of reasoning would they give as to why they have this attitude to race? and is this sort of attitude common in black guys?

You mention UB40 Snow etc, what would their attitude to white women be who were RnB singers etc?

:EDIT: not trying to trick you into some sort of racial agruement, Im genuinely curious,

I dont know, i see beyond black or white...more like colours and spectrum unknown to the human vision! Seriously....I dont know. I am a black person and i can only speak for myself and not every other black.

As per RnB singers, It is the same thing i have heard people said often e.g People consider Jose stone to be doing a black thing - trying to sound soulful..... :confused:

I guess it all boils down to what some have suspected all along - Racism is every where. :(
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Violent-J said:
eminem the best rapper of all time who can beat ANYONE in a battle. .

Nah not at all, Where do you put Tupac :cool: , Big L, Christopher Wallace, Cannibus, Papoose....Just to name a few who will chew eminem's arse on the mic in a battle.

On top of that mtv survey concluded that Tupac was the greatest of all time, followed by biggie....
penski said:
Voted for by people who have a knowledge of hiphop that extends from Channel 340 to channel 365 on Sky...


Dont be daft man, and quit posting your recluse-like statement. Eminem is featured on MTV a lot, i think it would be fair to say he's got more video shown on mtv than tupac or biggie for example. He was included in the vote and had the chance like every other person.

Google tupac and you will see that he is acknowledge as the greatest rapper ever period.

Whatever your opinion, the vote represent what we already know.
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cleanbluesky said:
More like... ooooohhhhhhhhhhh Bodyfoormmmmmmm. Bodyform for yoooo-hooo!

Prizes for the first person who can tell me what a battycrack is...


That's "Bloodclart"

Battycrack? ....erm i will let someone else tell you that.
cleanbluesky said:
After watching a Tupac documentary I would say that Tupac might be able to out-perform Eminem, simply because the guy was so damn charismatic. It really surprised me just HOW charismatic he was, but I can understand the whole "Tupac lives" thing now

See this is what im talking about!

For you seeing what im seeing on Tupac....You are moving to my cool wall alongside Gilly... :cool: :D
dmpoole said:
My favourite rapper is Crispy.
Go on You Tube and type : Crispy New freestyle.
El Raz eat your heart out.

He's got a good hairstyle, a comfortable leather seat, plenty of cds and a nice beat playing in the background...I hope i didnt miss anything!
NokkonWud said:
You're right, Vanilla Ice was actually very good, it's a shame that so many people mock him.

Yeap. Check out some of his live stage performances on You-tube....I just cant stand it when people put him down. :(
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v0n said:

This is the way i see it, He's talented and creative. Despite all the sticks thrown at him, he's still doing well...he hasnt gone away completely iirc he still goes on tour and support major acts (underground) through out the US.
I dont think it is fair the way he's been treated by the media etc. People have problems in their lives but jeez lets not make it the end of them. Look at MJ he's got worse personal problems than Ice yet he is still adored by most...i dont see why it should be different for ice.
His past is his past, he's a new person now (according to him) and i believe him.
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