White spirit on metallic paint

21 Dec 2004
My friend's car was the victim of a few paint splashes from his neighbour. The neighbour got so worried, he cleaned up the marks using some white sprit and a cloth while my friend was at work (and told him what he'd done when the friend got home)

Will the use of white spirit cause any damage to the metallic paint? I checked this morning and saw quite a few smudge marks where the spirit was applied. What to do now? Would a simple wash and clean sort it out?
personally i'd be a bit ****** off if my neighbour did that but the white spirit shouldn't cause an issue. It will however strip any wax off the paintwork.

Personally i'd wash the area, polish it and then wax. Get the neighbour round to check the paintwork with you too in case of any scratches from the cloth etc.
v_man said:
My friend's car was the victim of a few paint splashes from his neighbour. The neighbour got so worried, he cleaned up the marks using some white sprit and a cloth while my friend was at work (and told him what he'd done when the friend got home)

Will the use of white spirit cause any damage to the metallic paint? I checked this morning and saw quite a few smudge marks where the spirit was applied. What to do now? Would a simple wash and clean sort it out?

Didn't cause a problem with my 330, I imagine the smudge marks are where the paint splashes haven't been fully removed and just smeared around. Give it a wash, I'm guessing it should come right off.
white spirit gets rid of tar a treat.....just make sure you wash the area with water as soon as you have removed the tar.
Nar white spirit won't hurt it not unless his car is painted with enamel paint! Might leave a residue but that can just be wiped off with a damp cloth. If he wiped any plastic trim with the white spirit thats could be a problem. Tends to dry the plastic right out and lighten it.
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