First off let me say im a big fan of the White Stripes. I've just listened to two of their albums back to back and something thats been bugging me for a while has got me thinking again. I'm not moaning BTW
Its the fact that they have no bass guitar. Now, first of all, i can see the achievement of two people being on stage and creating such a sound. Ive seen live videos of them doing just that and the sound two people can create is incredible. But having listened to their music a bit more close up, I cant quite make sense of it.
I think a lot of their songs sound great but would sound fantastic with an added bass track. Take seven nation army for example. Thats played start to finish on a guitar. Theres no bass (it even shows it being played this way in the video here: It sounds like he has drop-tuned the bottom 'E' to create a bass sound and then procedes to play the chords off the 'A' string meaning you either get 1 sound or the other. Also the bass drum is recorded louder than the other drums to create some bass sound. If you listen, you should hear what i mean. Now again its still a great song played by two people, apart from a 2nd guitar track that sneaks in towards the end.
Now, moving on ........ I'm listening to the albums and on many tracks i'm hearing 2, sometimes 3 guitars plus a piano plus the drums all playing together but yet still no bass? At the same there's the usual tuned down guitar emulating bass and the over-loud bass drum. Now this is a setup that could not be played by 2 people. This is what i dont get. I know its part of their unique sound but its still guitar rock. If their are 4 musicians (or probably over-dubs) why go to such lengths to leave out the bass?
Its the fact that they have no bass guitar. Now, first of all, i can see the achievement of two people being on stage and creating such a sound. Ive seen live videos of them doing just that and the sound two people can create is incredible. But having listened to their music a bit more close up, I cant quite make sense of it.
I think a lot of their songs sound great but would sound fantastic with an added bass track. Take seven nation army for example. Thats played start to finish on a guitar. Theres no bass (it even shows it being played this way in the video here: It sounds like he has drop-tuned the bottom 'E' to create a bass sound and then procedes to play the chords off the 'A' string meaning you either get 1 sound or the other. Also the bass drum is recorded louder than the other drums to create some bass sound. If you listen, you should hear what i mean. Now again its still a great song played by two people, apart from a 2nd guitar track that sneaks in towards the end.
Now, moving on ........ I'm listening to the albums and on many tracks i'm hearing 2, sometimes 3 guitars plus a piano plus the drums all playing together but yet still no bass? At the same there's the usual tuned down guitar emulating bass and the over-loud bass drum. Now this is a setup that could not be played by 2 people. This is what i dont get. I know its part of their unique sound but its still guitar rock. If their are 4 musicians (or probably over-dubs) why go to such lengths to leave out the bass?