White theatre director claims to be "born again African"...

29 Jan 2008
... and gets himself a job intended for "artists of colour".

Is trans-black actually going to become a thing?

I guess it isn't as bad as Rachel Dolezal who pretended she literally was black, this guy just claims to have been assumed to be mixed race due to his curly hair and therefore has claimed to have gone through the same experiences as a black person.


But although Mr Lennon has adopted a black identity – changing his middle name from David to Ekundayo – he has remained honest about his white ancestry.

The then actor told an audience in 2012: “Although I’m white, with white parents, I have gone through the struggles of a black man, a black actor.”

I can sort of see why he might make that claim but I don't think he should benefit from something intended for black people. (then again I don't think that affirmative action is a good idea in general, though that is separate to my view on whether a non black person should benefit from it in this case given it exists)
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