Who actually uses AA and AF?

5 Jul 2006
For years I have read benchmarks and AA and AF are used to sort the good graphics cards from the low performance ones. But in actual games do you guys use them. I mean I rather play at a higer res and more detail than have AA and AF on. For the drop in framerate it costs its hard to justify using. If you have a X1900XTX and a FX60 you might aswell stick it on in Counter Strike Source. I'm sure many of you do use it but does anyone else here find AA and AF almost too demading on your hardware.
You mean there are people who don't use AA and AF?

Put yourselves in the position of a person with a 6600 GT and a 17/19" TFT with a native resolution of 1280x1024. Turning on AA and AF is deciding between nice eye candy and steady framerate. The fact is most casual gamers don't have 7900 GTXs and X1900XTXs they have 9800 Pros and 6600 GTs and the odd 6800 GS and 7600 GT floating around there.
This may come as a shock to you.

but AA gets on my nerves with its huge overheads for little return.
That is exactly how I feel.
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Úlfhednar, Sorry I didn't mean to come across that way. I'm not defensive at all. Sometimes on plain text it's hard to get sense of what the other person means by their comments as there is no tone of voice or facial expressions. Hence I should use these :D more often. I wasn't implying you were some spoiled rich kid. But how you managed to get Battlefield 2 to run at a stable framerate with AA and AF is beyond me. I can't accept anything below 55. I'm just too picky I guess. :cool:
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