Who can be an English football role model?

30 Nov 2005
So with allegations in the News Of The World about the private life of Wayne Rooney now speculating and allegations of cheating on his wife with a "hooker" while she was pregnant, who is left to be a role model for young football fanatics?

The fact of the matter is that young kids do idolise their favourite footballers, Rooney was probably the last of the big English stars with some kind of reputation left, that's IF this is all true.

He is on the covers of computer games, kids magazines etc, is he any longer the right person to promote football?

Though whether this is true or not I highly doubt it will get the press coverage John Terry did, despite Rooney arguably being the bigger world star.

Thoughts OcUKers?
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It's hardly like he hasn't done it before so imo it doesn't effect his image at all.

But he wasn't as big a "star" then. The amount of adverts, sponsorships and promotions he does now he's the biggest star of the English game, bar Beckham of course.

Everyone that ever speaks of Bullard says what a great chap he is but perhaps doesn't have the profile of Rooney.
Footballers are not role models because of the things they get up to nowadays.

But when almost all young boys look up to their favourite players so much to have these so called adults act like this is disgusting.

Saying they are "average guys" does not make it acceptable that someone in the public eye who is paid hundreds of thousands of pounds funded by you and me, can act in such a way. Are you saying he can continue to be the face of kids computer games and splashed across kids magazines?

I'm sorry but these players have no moral code because they know they can do whatever they like and will still be idolised by fans and paid huge sums.

Do we all just sit back and say boys will be boys while your son or daughter has Rooney or Terry printed on their backs?
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I just don't understand why someone who is paid so much, is adored by young kids up and down the country, and when allegedly he cheats on his wife with a hooker using the money given to him by the public i.e the fans, and the reaction by some is "boys will be boys".

Footballers are more inspiration to young kids than Firefighters, Police, Prime Minister etc etc, so how can we sit back and just let them run a mock?

I'm sorry for thinking that their should be some morals for public figures who have such an impact on young lives.
They play football for christs sake. Its really sad that childrens role models these days are footballers or celebrities. I couldnt care less what they get up to. We have just had massive problems with MPs being dishonest, unashamed ***** and you are worried about someone who kicks a ball for a living not being squeaky clean.

The people who run our country have done much worse.

But that's the point Footballers are looked up to by kids. Is it wrong to assume that the biggest stars of the beautiful game can't act morally?

Ok then, let's just allow them to get up to anything. Ruin lives, give kids wrong impressions on what is right or wrong, no consequences to their actions and continue to worship them without any care for what impact they are having.

I apologise again for thinking that footballers can have any moral conscience.

Is it wrong for me to think it's not ok to be a public figure and do such things without any consequences to their actions?

You don't like the Premier League. We get it already.

:confused: When did I say I don't like the Premier League? I love it. Very odd.
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Arf, sorry, I had you confused with whatever-his-name-was that used to moan about Premiership clubs not helping out the little leagues.

Or was that you? I don't know, I'm off back to bed.

Nope not me, though I'm sure I probably have spoke at that once in my life time.

I'm a big Premiership fan, and football at all levels.
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