Who fancies a European/North African bike trip in August?

17 Oct 2002
I've been wanting to do this trip for years and now it's time.

Date: August 2012

Route: Switzerland, France, Spain, Gibraltar, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Sardinia, Corsica, France, Switzerland.

Leg 1: Geneva to Gibraltar (boat to Morocco)
Leg 2: Morocco to Tunisia (boat to Sardinia)
Leg 3: Sardinia to Corsica (boat from Sardinia to Corsica and Corsica to France)
Leg 4: France to Switzerland

Very rough calculation is about 3500 miles/5600 km plus getting to and from the UK. Geneva was picked as the start point for no other reason other than it's fairly close to me and has good road links.

I envisage a group of 2-4 people doing this trip. I've done trips before with big groups and they get complicated.

This is not a risk-free trip with the route passing through Algeria, but all though the FCO advice is full of warnings a northern route through the country minimises risk.

This is just the outline idea but I'm up for some adventure this year. Who fancies coming?
No idea on cost. Many things to consider - tents/hotels or both. Duration I guess would be around 2 weeks possibly 3. Early stages, but up for it.
I'm hearing reports that the border between Morocco and Algeria is closed. Also that vehicles traveling through Algeria need an official escort. Both sound rubbish!

Going to have a rethink.
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