Who has and who has blocked family members on FB as you feel restricted and watched?

yeah I've learned that the hard way...well I end up posting songs pretending i'm a dj tbh then cringe when I wake up and delete lol
Oh last night...calling my mum the C word as well private, my gf is older and dying of cancer at the moment, mum doesn't approve of her and no sympathy...she's a hard woman.
Last time he told me off was over a random advert from unicef going to a remote poor village bringing PPE with them and me commenting and asking how the virus actually travelled that far? the charity workers must have brought it with them.
My uncle has had the cancer as well and is over the top with the face mask and won't have me round till it's all over (i'm going through a big thing and not coping well)
yeah but ano but yeah but, it's a habit now when drinking alone (gf story) and on youtube, the fb button is just there.
Yeah tbh it more hassle than it's worth and you feel your head rotting scrolling down till you find something to take your fancy but never do.
I've signed up for Twitter but I must be too old I don't get it? what do you do on there?
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