Who has contributed to an open source project?

Man of Honour
4 Nov 2002
West Berkshire
After nearly 15 years in the IT software industry, I finally submitted my first bug fix to an open source project tonight (Apache Xalan-C++ if you're interested - but probably not). Whether it'll get used or not, who knows, but I submitted it anyway.

So, this got me thinking. I'm sure most here have used open source software (even if it's just a browser like Firefox), but who has actually contributed to an open source project?
I thought about complaining, but by that point I'd already fixed the problem as it was preventing me doing my job. Once I'd done that, emailing the fix took less time than registering on a forum and moaning. :p
I started what will eventually be an open source software project about two months ago, with a friend. It's still in initial development, but once we've decided what licensing model we're going to use, we'll release.

As for 'established' open-source stuff, I've not contributed that much, just because I've yet to run into a bug that's not already been found and noted by someone else. :)
Several times I've submitted bugs :)

I'm also one of the lead developers on a new project - if it ever gets of the ground - which we are hoping will be quite big :)
I sumitted bugs, and fixes, and feature requests and new features to a certain semi open source security focussed distro to be completely ignored and the bugs never acknoledged.

I abandoned even telling them about the issues I'd found after a while and bought a dedicated router instead.

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