Who has right of way in this mini-roundabout situation?

12 Jan 2010

Ignore the existence of orange car and pretend it's just the yellow and green car. Doesn't the yellow car have right of way? Yes, you give way to the right at a roundabout but the green car isn't to the right, it's simply on the opposite junction.

Or do both cars have the right to go? Because if they both went at the same time and at a reasonable speed, they wouldn't actually hit each other, since the distance the yellow car is travelling is shorter than the green car.

I've lost count of the number of times I've been at a mini-roundabout where there's been some kind of stalemate because no-one knows what to do, myself included.

Oh great Lords of motoring etiquette, enlighten me.
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The green car is still to your right as far as I see it. The positioning of the junction onto the roundabout is irrelevant I would think.

That logic would suggest that the yellow car is on the green car's right, so it too should give way....
No it doesn't. :confused: the orange car is to the greens right.

I said ignore the ruddy orange car!

Lol, is that how you look at it?

it's the LANE on your right, not the CAR on your right.

What on earth do you mean it's the lane on your right?! It's the traffic to your right! Look at the Highway Code. "Give way to the traffic approaching from the right."

The orange car is not there. The green car doesn't need to worry about that junction, it's clear. As per the image, both green car and yellow car have arrived at the roundabout at the same time and are equidistant from the centre. Why do either of them have to give way? "Give way to the traffic approaching from the right."

Ask the driver of the green car on what the yellow car is to them. "They are not on the roundabout. They are not on a junction to the right, they are
straight ahead."

Now ask the driver of the yellow car what the green car is to them: "They are not on the roundabout. They are not on a junction to the right, they are straight ahead."
Some people in here are suggesting that the green car has right of way because it intends to turn right. Since when did intention trump position in a right of way situations?

Using that logic, if the yellow car was indicating right then the two cars would be once again be stuck there in perpetuity.

There's even two mods in this thread who have opposing views and my mother told me that mods are always right. So I'm going to continue driving as I was and constantly have accidents on mini roundabouts.
Ok. People are getting upset. I'll always give way to green car and if I am the green car, I'll go.

But one more question before I go. Who has right of way here?

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