Who here has MAC's?

18 Feb 2006
Who here has a Mac?

If you do, what do you think of them after having perhaps a Windows PC beforehand?

Im thinking about getting either an iMac, or a Mac Mini in replace of my Desktop because ive somehow become a fan of Apple ;)

But yeah, anything you like/dislike about the MAC Mini's & iMac's?

Also, would you say they are fast/reliable for the money you pay?

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Can i ask, what Mac's do you have?

Im really close to wanting to press the order button on a MacBook.

But i do like the Mac Mini's and the iMac's :(

Hamish said:
I've got a mac mini and will soon have a macbook pro.

Once you get past the few differences it has between windows it "just works" I always thought it was a marketing thing by apple but after experiencing it first hand it truly does "just work". things do what you expect them to, its easy to use and doesn't crash.
The OS is so much smoother and better designed. probably because window's foundations stem from DOS first relased in about 1981ish wheras OS X was released in 2001.
With windows it is just a jumble of applications mostly ones you have to install yourself with different user interfaces and buggy third party driver support, with OS X most of the applications you need are built in and drivers are supplied by apple so for the most part are decent since millions of people have identical hardware configurations to you.

Okay :) would you say to get a Mac Mini as a replacement of a Desktop - or a MacBook?

alex2zulu said:
hey not bad for xmas - macbook maybe i dunno.

what sort of recording software can you get for the mac - im talking about guitars and amp simulation aswell as multi-track recording.

im learing guitar

also can you use MSN with macbook (maybe a silly question but hey)
whats the browser like ? how is it for watching films, whats the wireless like ? does it only work with "airport" thing and will i be able to use my Creative zen micro photo mp3 with it ?

sooo many questions - :eek: - sorry dude thred jacked

No problem, im wondering similar things too.

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