Who is Cartman's Dad?

2 Oct 2004
London, NW1
Just read the May Contain Nuts+Star Wars thread.

I am somewhat of a southpark expert but I still have no idea and I want to know...

Mr Slave or Mr Garrison perhaps :P ?
In one of the south park episodes its about cartmans dad. Was a football/basketball player or something if I remember correctly :)
This is because of his intersexed mother, who actually had sex with an unknown female, thereby fathering him. Since birth, Liane has raised him as his mother. This shocking twist is revealed at the end of the two-part story arc, "Cartman's Mom is a Dirty ****" and "Cartman's Mom is Still a Dirty ****." The identity of Cartman's biological mother remains a mystery, as he does not appear interested in finding out and is content to be raised by a single parent.
From memory his dad froze some sperm, had a sex change and then used it to get pregnant with Cartman. One of the more bizzare story lines
cheets64 said:
This is because of his intersexed mother, who actually had sex with an unknown female, thereby fathering him. Since birth, Liane has raised him as his mother. This shocking twist is revealed at the end of the two-part story arc, "Cartman's Mom is a Dirty ****" and "Cartman's Mom is Still a Dirty ****." The identity of Cartman's biological mother remains a mystery, as he does not appear interested in finding out and is content to be raised by a single parent.

What he said is correct. ^^ !
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