Who the heck is Ayn Rand?

I'm only brifly acquainted with the works of Ayan rand but her beliefs can be summarised as:

  • 1) Reality is an objective absolute. Facts trump man's feelings, wishes, hopes, and fears.
  • 2) Reason is the only way to perceive reality and the sole knowledge source. It is man's only guide to action and means to survival.
  • 3) Every man exists for his own sake. Pursuit of his own rational self-interest and his own happiness is his life's moral purpose.
  • 4) The ideal political-economic system is laissez-faire capitalism exercised through Conservatism.
I think I have a copy of Atlas shrugged lying around somewhere which is about about free will and letting others act rationally selfish -so you can see how it would appeal to modern day Conservatism.
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