Who watches 24?

27 Jun 2003
Just got into the series and dammnnn.... probably the best program ive watch on tv!!!! on season 2 at the moment... dont spoil it for me but does it get even better? :D
Yes it does get even better. Season 3 + 4 are awesome, 5 is great too and 6 is shaping up that way.
Season 3 I don't really understand the love for. By all means its a great season but by 24 standards IMO its the worst day.

Heres how I would rate them: 5,1,2,6,4,3.

Season 5 is TV perfection :D
Hostile17 said:
Season 3 I don't really understand the love for. By all means its a great season but by 24 standards IMO its the worst day.

Heres how I would rate them: 5,1,2,6,4,3.

Season 5 is TV perfection :D
Pretty much agree with that order. I can't really put season 6 into the the ratings until I've seen every episode. I'm enjoying it so far, but still feel it needs that extra * that 1 and 5 has.
saw all 1-5 in bout 2 weeks last year....was great...waiting till all the eps of 6 are out so can watch one after the other, cant stand waiting a week to see what happens next :p
The first series was amazing to watch as it was so new back then. I remember being totally gripped watching the clock get to the end of the hour at the end of each episode wishing it would last longer :)

I still expect to hear the words "on the day of the Californian presidential primary" at the start of every episode even though I'm on series 6 now!
Elitejungalist said:
Watched the first season, just got to get the other seasons.

Good program

You have to watch it week by week for the full effect! :D

I remember when it first appeared on BBC 2. Almost six months of tension. I used to love it when they showed those rare back to back episodes too, such a treat :D The final moments of season 1 were fantastic. Great ending.

I'm only up to season 4 (Sky Three pace). I should get Season 5 on DVD, but I fear I'd cheat and fast forward through the 'dull' bits...
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