whois showing house address

16 Jan 2003
Is their anyway to stop the whois database from listing your home address if you have registered a domain?
Have done a search but no cigar.
Depends - sometimes you can opt-out of showing in whois results at registration, and sometimes the registrar will charge you for the privilege. Ask your registrar :)
Could I just put in a bogus address etc for the contact details for the domain. (I have the option of 'New Contact')?
The domain hasn't been regisered yet so I could always go with one that allows you to opt out, any suggestions?
Is it a .uk or com/net/org? If the latter you can put a bogus addy, but I wouldn't recommend it as if its found to be bogus the domain might get deleted ;)

If its a .uk you can simpy opt out of the whois DB.
Depends what extension it is. You can opt-out free with .uk, but I haven't found a free service for GTLDs (com/net/org).

You could in theory put a bogus address but strictly speaking your shouldn't and you do risk getting the domain suspended.
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