Whos been to the Kennedy Space center?

16 Jun 2005
Back in the UK
Im in the throws of organising a holiday, there are 2 main parts to it:
1) I need to go to a wedding in Pensecola florida
2) Pick up on the things I missed the lastime I went to florida back in 2003.

The main thrust of part 2 is The space center, I really wanted to go (have since I was a little kid) but last time I was in florida nobody else would go with me and I couldnt afford to go by myself (we didnt have a car).

This time Im driving and Im not at the mercy of my cheap ass brother so I'm going. Now looking at their website there is allot of diffrent tours and stuff to go on. Which ones are the "Must Dos" timing wise im most likely not going to get a launch (cant really ask my mate to change her wedding day based on nasa's schedule can I).
I always find the best bet with places you've never seen is to ask someone whos been before. So whos done the whole tour and what the best bits?
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