Who's going to the TT then?

18 Oct 2002
Only going for practice week this time as we're taking the lad and taking the car. Sail on Sunday afternoon, come back Saturday (after the first two races) - Can't wait. :D
I'm going next Saturday to Tuesday. Weather permitting I should see 2 days of racing :)

Taking my 14 year old son on the bike and camping at quarterbridge. He was born on the island whilst we lived their for 5 years so its his first trip back to his homeland!
Going in the morning for 10 days of camping. :cool:
Hardly done any packing so will have to cram it all on the back of the bike early doors. :o
Weather forecast looking generally good for practice week. Of course that doesn't mean anything in the Isle of Man but fingers crossed!
Bloody big house fire at Kirk Michael tonight - it stopped the sidecars and then the solos went out for a couple of laps. Daniese Superbike delayed until Sunday.
Hope the people in the fire are ok.

This actually works out really well for me, as I was going to miss the Superbikes as I get to Douglas about 2pm today. Now I'll see the superbikes sunday and have VIP tickets (40th birthday present to myself!) for the supersports on monday - cant wait!
Got back yesterday but quite sad to go :(, camped on Glenlough camp site on the A1.
Covered around 500 miles whilst on the island and enjoyed every mile of it.
Weather was a bit crap at times for the first few days, especially at night with the persistent icy wind which I suppose added to the experience when it wasn't trying to relieve the filed of its tents.
The last 5 days or so more than made up for it as we travelled up to Ramsey and back down the mountain numerous times. :cool:
Looking forward to the next time already and not just for the all day breakfast and fish and chips available in Ramsey. :D
Yeah we got back yesterday. We were incredibly lucky with the weather and the camping at quarterbridge was good. I'd forgotten how beautiful the island is when the sun is shining. Douglas bay looked like a tranquil lake!

The racing and whole atmosphere was awesome and my son loved it - a nice introduction to his birth place!
One of the guys from my local bike club just posted this on our club Facebook page. :)

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