Who's had a hair transplant?

25 Nov 2009
The inlaws have offered to pay for me to not ruin our wedding photos with a shiny bonce, I've since had a couple of consultations and I'm actually quite keen to go ahead with the procedure.
Does anyone have any experiences you could share?
I have been recommended the FUT twice over the FUE, but I worry that the scar could be a right mess, although I have always had my hair reasonable length (never below a grade 3 at the rear) so I strongly doubt you'd ever see it.
Thanks for being offended for me GD, I've been with the OH for 12 years, they keep nudging me to pop the question... Think the moment has kinda passed though...
It was tongue in cheek, they're minted, and the father has said if he had the kind of money 20 years ago that he has now he would've done it in a heartbeat and still is uncomfortable with his hair loss. So all in all, it was a very generous offer in context :D

I don't have the head to pull off bald, nor do I have any facial hair... It's not going well in truth!
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