Considering a remap in the near future and would like some real life opinions on how you found yours.
1. Did you think it was worth the performance increase?
2. Did it cause any problems?
3. Would you do it again and why?
The benefits of a remap really depend on the car, the age and where you get it remapped. As well as whether you get a generic remap or a custom map
Considering a remap in the near future and would like some real life opinions on how you found yours.
1. Did you think it was worth the performance increase?
2. Did it cause any problems?
3. Would you do it again and why?
Is that the RICA map?
I was going to get my S80 D5 done as it's + 35 hp and + 95 Nm torque for £445, mines the older Euro 3 engine and the guy reckoned he could get another 20 hp more and another 30 Nm torque from mine, sounds tempting but I'm thinking of getting rid of it at the moment
Considering a remap in the near future and would like some real life opinions on how you found yours.
1. Did you think it was worth the performance increase?
2. Did it cause any problems?
3. Would you do it again and why?
Considering a remap in the near future and would like some real life opinions on how you found yours.
1. Did you think it was worth the performance increase?
2. Did it cause any problems?
3. Would you do it again and why?