whs 2011 keep it or change to something else

23 Jan 2005
Hi I have been using WHS 1 and then 2 for years now to back up the families devices and to store my cd and dvd rips, but now with the family having grown up and left it is only used to back up the one and only desktop in the house,which really only has win 10 on it and nothing of importance as I manually upload to the whs or cloud, now I have around 10tb of used storage with I think 4tb extra free in a home built unit.
So question is, do I still use whs 2011 or transfer to something else ?
After the failure of WHS 2011 (who would have thought that having less functionality than the previous version wouldn't be a selling point /shock) Microsoft scrapped the platform with no direct successor.

I replaced my WHS box with a Synology NAS years ago, despite the weaker hardware it works much better due to the OS being much better for the tasks it encounters.
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