why are there no apps to remotely monitor and control temps/fans/ clocks?

8 Nov 2002
there used to be an AMD one which was out when I bought my card a year ago, but they've since discontinued it.
I can't understand why there isn't another app to do these things when there are specifically pc apps which can do it so it's obviously possible to have a android/iOS client connecting to that app to remotely control it.why are there no apps to remotely monitor and control temps/fans/ clocks
there is loads, AMD literally make one if you have an AMD system.
look in app store
i guess you didn't read my post particularly well.
a) are there? I have failed to find any. there are a couple which let you monitor temps and thats about it. and more importantly
b) as i said, AMD discontinued their remote config/monitoring/streaming app (amd link) about 8 months ago.

hence me asking. if there are ones out there i'd LOVE to know
never knew you can monitor fans/sensors remotely using a mobile app.. i know there are plenty windows applications for this but don't see why you would need a mobile one tbh.

If you are crunching numbers and the CPU increases, as long as you have a fan curve set, the fans should auto ramp up. If this didn't exist, then i would see a reason to have one.. similar to a Hive app, but this could be the reason why AMD had one and discontinued it because either it was buggy, or there was no market for it

Found this on Reddit.. if you have an Android, but not seen one for IOS.

Thread mentions about monititoring fans.. but seems the only reliable method is using Discord or similar to stream your settings to your phone.. else just use Teamviewer to remotely manage your system
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Why would you even want to? I get it if you're a server admin and your hardware isn't on site, but why would you need to remotely check your home PC? Surely if you're running intensive operations whilst you're not around you'd have already tuned your system beforehand, and if you still don't trust it then don't do it?

It's amazing what unnecessary and nonsense gimmicks people will fall for and convince themselves are necessary and game changing.
Why would you even want to? I get it if you're a server admin and your hardware isn't on site, but why would you need to remotely check your home PC? Surely if you're running intensive operations whilst you're not around you'd have already tuned your system beforehand, and if you still don't trust it then don't do it?

It's amazing what unnecessary and nonsense gimmicks people will fall for and convince themselves are necessary and game changing.
why is it a hard thing to imagine a use case for? i used to use the amd link app to tweak overclocks and monitor temps and so on via my phone app so i didn't have to keep pausing and alt-tabbing out of the game i was playing etc or if things were getting too loud to turn fans down (or up if temps were getting high) and so on.
why is it a hard thing to imagine a use case for? i used to use the amd link app to tweak overclocks and monitor temps and so on via my phone app so i didn't have to keep pausing and alt-tabbing out of the game i was playing etc or if things were getting too loud to turn fans down (or up if temps were getting high) and so on.
I struggle to think of genuine use cases because of exactly that gimmicky silliness you describe. Changing an overclock during a game isn't going to get you anywhere because you're running inconsistent loads through the system, plus just run the game in a window so you don't need to alt tab back and forth if you really need to tweak things. And personally even if I didn't already have my fan curves set up as part of the initial build and testing, I really can't see a situation where fan noise during a game would be so egregious I'd need to immediately change said fan curve, but not tab out of the game and fire up my phone instead.

This all sounds like the sort of gimmick schlock Asus would bundle early in the "Republic Of Gamers" days, and it never found a genuine use then. Which is why you don't see this nonsense now.
Coming from someone who names their computers, I’d have thought you’d be the first to appreciate that it’s a case of horses for courses - what seems gimmicky to one might be genuinely useful to another. For instance, I (like many others) find LEDs all over PCs to be a bit of a silly gimmick too, but I don’t go around telling people that. To each their own, I guess!
There's horses for courses and then there's giving you a genuine answer as to why what you seek cannot be found. Nobody is doing remote monitoring software for gaming PCs in the manner you specify because it's a silly gimmick that never caught on. It's a solution looking for a problem that was already solved in better ways.
Second screen with HWinfo or similar would be plenty for most. Aquacomputer quadro/octo app can do it too, but anything on top of the task will use resources.
yeah that wouldn't work really as this is lounge based HTPC/Gaming PC, not some desk thing with multiple monitors close to the user.
Ok, well i guess i know where I stand on it now and will just plod along with on screen displays etc.

Thanks guys anyway.
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