Why are there so few UT2004 players?

5 Dec 2004
South West
I've been playing UT2004 for a few days now, dusted it off my shelf and slapped it and i've noticed that there seems to be very few players left still playing. I find this odd as I found UT2004 to be a lot of fun and incredibly intense. Has the game really become that unpopular?
I play DM as well, i've only found one server worth playing for DM, all the others seem empty. Perhaps I need to change the filters or something. All the Team Deathmatch servers are nearly always Rankin
A lot of the clans went back to original UT for clan wars and leagues, as the maps in 2k4 are silly sizes for standard 5v5 wars on the CTF side of things.

As 2k3 and 2k4 were more oh look at what the engine can do and how big this map is without serious consideration being made to playability of maps for CTF. Hopefully 2k7 corrects this as from personal playing choice give me original UT any day.

The popularity of UT2004 has definetly dropped which is a shame.
Some areas are still going strong,
I'm still mapping for the Jailbreak mod ;)
Got a map in final beta now. (JB-Egypt)

Another person here also looking forward to UT2007 ;)
Lookin forward to UT2007 too, still play UT99 a lot online but haven't touched UT2k4 in over a year now, never enjoyedthe gameplay, maps or even movement that much.

UT99 instagib f t w :D
I used to play a lot of insta in ut2k4 but tbh i found it boring ....loving playing with the standard weapons still :)
UT2003/4 split the UT community. So you've got the UT scene split over 2 games. And UT is more fun and more appropriate for clanning.

Again. I hope UT2007 can be very clan friendly.
Phalanx said:
I play DM as well, i've only found one server worth playing for DM, all the others seem empty. Perhaps I need to change the filters or something. All the Team Deathmatch servers are nearly always Rankin

Try looking for servers with an external server browser like www.udpsoft.com/eye
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