why arent forums/sub forums in alphabetical order?

I think that would be terrible for those of us who have been here for years. I'm sure i don't speak alone in that you get used to the ordering of sub-forums, so you know exactly where to go for it.

Would almost be akin to jumbling up the keys on your keyboard :).
true but it would keep you busy for a bit :)
though why werent they alphabetical from the very beginning
surely a simple thing to do
Turn the dyslexia up until they're in albahpecital order :p
its taken me 5 or 6 months until people stopped
saying are you typing poetry or something
not messing with my dyslexia in case i jinx myself

didnt even know you spelled that wrongly
until spell checker highlighted it in the quote lol
god i wish i was 15 again lol
yeah i get the book chapters thing etc
guess its just i would automatically list things alphabetically
or numerically out of a sense of structure
Sorry if my post came across as nasty. I thought the dyslexia was a joke as people were posting stuff like "turn your dyslexia up", so I joked along with it about the age. I have sight problems myself, so I just make the text bigger.

As for the forum index, I don't think there is any way to sort it A-Z unless there was a CSS file that can alter the layout. Not sure if that can be done though. I use browser-wide CSS to make the background black, text in light grey (so not too bright) and remove the scroll bars as they're pointless if you have a mouse wheel or touchscreen.
It takes a bigger man to say sorry
So thanks for doing it :)
It's in my signature about the Dyslexia
Though not everyone can see signatures
Depends on what device and settings you have
I don't mind humorous remarks about it if they aren't meant nastily
Humour is subjective and some of the guys are very defensive about remarks about my weird dyslexic text spacing
I accept it was meant as humour
And we can close it and move on :)

Just for the record though lol
Never used tik tok, Instagram or twitter :)
Wish I was 15 again and able to climb
Some trees or something
Instead of having a few prolapsed discs :)
And Ironically I didn't actually realise you meant me as my insomnia is terrible right now
So had no sleep brain wasn't fully functioning and saw Diddums name and thought you meant them :D:D:D:D
And thanks for sticking up for me guys
Sorry is enough to consider it in the
Past far as I am concerned :):):):)
Thanks dude :)

I think because of my font setting, so that's my bad. It only shows the first 3 lines of your signature. So I selected it, press shift+down arrow which extends the selection by a line, copied and pasted into Notepad and indeed it did paste it as 4 lines!
No worries
Far as I am concerned you said sorry and its over and done with and no hard feelings and we move on :):)
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